Ariadaha Sarbamangala Balika Vidyalaya was not alone in its journey. Along with several well-wishers, notable one was Mr. Debi Ghoshal. His selfless sacrifice and efforts helped the school sustain through its darkest times. Mr Ghosal along with India Foil Social Service opened a Text Book Bank for children with the help of the then Headmistress Aparna Mukhopadhaya in 1986. It gave all the children especially from the underprivileged section to get easy access to books without having to buy it. In the same year she was awarded the National award by the then President of India, Mr Giani Zail Singh.
Esha Saha Chowdhury also received the National Award in 2014 from Mr. Pranab Mukhopadhaya for her outstanding work as a headmistress of the school
Our students too have excelled in their fields be it in the field of sports, business or academics. Some of the notable ones are:
H.S. BATCH - 2004
1. Awarded 'A-Grade' by The Central Dance Audition Board of Doordarshan Directorate, New Delhi in 2021
2. Played the character of Ma Durga in the morning Mahalaya programme - "Durgatinashini Durga " on Doordarshan Kendra Kolkata and Doordarshan National in 2021